Faroe islands by motorcycle

April 17, 2016 9265 33 8 Comments


Faroe islands

Having spent seven great days in Iceland, we took the ferry to the Faroe Islands. A cluster of 18 islands with 48,000 inhabitants situated in the Atlantic Ocean between Scotland, Norway and Iceland. Of the 18 islands, 17 are inhabited. They are joined by bridges, underwater tunnels, or by way of ship. We visited the 5 largest that are interconnected with roads. For most of our time here, the weather was dull and rainy. The landscape is barren but green, and much like in Iceland there are many waterfalls.

cities & villages

  • Torshavn
    Torshavn is the capital of the Faroe Islands, a city of 12,500 inhabitants located on Streamy island. It is the largest and most populated of all the islands and it was our base during our stay. Torshavn means harbor of Thor, where Thor is the god of thunder and lightning in German and Scandinavian mythology.
  • Klaksvik
    Klaksvik, the second largest city in the Faroe Islands. It has 4.600 inhabitants and it is located in Bordoy island, at a distance of 75km from Torshavn.
  • Vigiareigi
    It is the northern village of the complex at a distance of 94km from Torshavn.
  • Tzeigk
    Tzeifk is the most famous village in the Faroe Islands. It’s a very small and beautiful settlement, with about 50 residents. The name means canyon and comes from the natural bay and the canyon created in the northern part of the village.
  • Gasadalur
    Gasadalur is located in Vagar island, at a distance of 58km from Torshavn. The landscape is very beautiful and we wanted to see a waterfall which supposedly is a great place to take photgraphs. In this area we also saw Pafins, a kind of sea bird with bright colors that dives into the water in order to eat.

Faroe Islands