Villacher Kirchtag in Villach, Austria

December 20, 2017 7239 266 6 Comments


In this vlog I am leaving behind the tallest mountain in the Austrian Alps and heading to Villach, a popular city in southern Austria, of which I have very fond memories.

Villach is situated on the banks of the Drava River and is an important crossroads in the Alps, as the highways from Italy and Slovenia pass through here. It is a beautiful city of 60,000 residents that has been inhabited since 3,500 BC.

The day I arrive here Villacher Kirchtag is taking place, the largest traditional festival in Austria. It includes many events involving more than 3,500 people, while more than 450,000 people from all over Europe visit the city for this feast.

People wear traditional costumes, dance and take part in the parade, while the whole city is closed off and turns into a huge amusement park. And when I say closed off, I mean that you have to pay, if I remember well, 11 euros to enter. In 2016, the Villachs festival held its 73rd event.

The highlight of the festival is Kirchtagssuppe, which is a traditional soup cooked exclusively for this day and served in restaurants and canteens. Believe me, it is delicious! The locals urged me to try it, and if you ever find yourself in Villach you should do the same. It’s incredibly tasty!

I absolutely recommend Villach as a destination to spend more than just one night. But now it’s time to leave it behind and continue my journey to Slovenia and Mount Triglav, the tallest of the Julian Alps.
